Sunday, December 7, 2008

Twelve Days of Christmas Day 2

I teach a Sunday School class of 2-3 year olds and I love teaching them especially at this time of the year. They have such excitement and anticipation of all that this season holds yet when I asked them today what "Christmas" was I got answers like "Jesus" and "Baby Jesus". It has made me stop and realize that I need to put more emphasis on the things that really count instead of making a big fuss over the perfect tree or getting everything bought on every ones wish list.

For today I am posting a very simple flip Scrapbook. I made it using half of the Simply Scrappin' Scrapbook kit from Satmpin' Up. I did attempt to show picture of the inside but they just didn't tun out so this is just the cover . It unfolds like a trifold and has pages coming off each side in graduated sizes. It is hard to describe but is cute in real life.

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