Monday, May 31, 2010


Hope you are having a good Memorial Day. Today is a day when we should all take a moment to be remember and be thankful to the one who gave their lives defending our freedoms and to the ones who serve now or have serverd in our military. Even if they were lucky enough to return home, they are forever changed and will never forget the effects of war.
My dad served in the Korean War. He was drafted at age 19 and went into basic training in October of 1949. He returned home on December 20 and he and my mom were married December 27. He shipped out for Korea on Jan 2. It must have been so hard for my mom to see her husband of 5 days leave for war. The picture of my dad and his cousin Barbara above was taken just before he left for basic training, he was so handsome!
I also included a picture of my mom that was taken around the same time as the one of my dad, I don't have any of them together at this age. This holiday is always hard for me because she died on Memorial Day in 1981 from cancer.

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