Friday, June 25, 2010


It's Friday! I have had a super busy week with running the kids here, there, and everywhere but today I have declared a stay at home do nothing day. I have a card today that has a hidden bookmark, I have seen several versions of this around and it is so easy to make. I used all new colors, Cherry Cobbler, Marina Mist, and Daffodil Delight. The stamp set is Vintage Vogue and the flower is a Sizzlet Flower. I made the bookmark using the Bigz Two Tag die. The ribbon is Marina Mist and Daffodil Delight.
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  1. What a great card, love the idea of a hidden book mark. The bold colours work beautifully together.

  2. Love the colors on your card/bookmark...very bright and cheery!

  3. A very bright happy card. Clever layout too. would love to try it .
    will say I saw it here
