Monday, April 29, 2013

To Have and to Hold...

Good morning!  Today I have a wedding card.  I love the Flower Trim from the Spring catalog, it adds such an elegant look to whatever you put it on.  I hope to work on more wedding cards all week but lots going on at home so not sure what the week will bring.  My oldest daughter was bitten by a Brown Recluse spider and she is very sick from it.  She will have to undergo some reconstructive surgery to her hip where the bite is.  I am doing the dressing and debreeding of the wound for her at home since she doesn't have health insurance. It is very hard to see her in so much pain and not be able to make it better.  Please pray for her.

On a brighter note, I want to share a photo of my Sadie from a musical she was in at church last night.

It was adorable, they all did an awesome job.  She sang two solos.  There is an older couple from our church who have no grandchildren in this area and they  always come to see her.  They told me last night that they love to watch her because she enjoys doing it and that she doesn't stop smiling the whole performance.  I paid closer attention last night and they were right, you could the joy in her face.


  1. Your card is so beautiful!!! This is my first time on your blog. Saw your card on Pinterest and just wanted to let you know how much I love it.

  2. Sorry I didn't read what you wrote under your card. I will keep her in my prayers and ask my prayer circle to also pray for her.
