Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Good afternoon!  I am working on VBS this week, I will be teaching the crafts segment at the Saline Baptist Association clinic next week.   I don't have to actually prepare enough for the kids but I do have to make all the crafts and decorations that will be used whenever VBS actually starts in the summer.  The theme this year is Colossal Coaster World, Facing Fear, Trusting God and is centered around  an amusement park.  The good part about it  is that for the Craft Emporium, they suggest you use lots of colorful things like paper, markers, ect and display them like it is a little shop.  Well...I have all that!   I made this little jar tag with the Labels  Framelit die and used the memory verse.  I love these trendy colorful paper straws so I added them to my jar. I'll take lots of pictures of how it looks once I set it up for the class.  Thanks for stopping by!

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