Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Good morning!  I did the craft portion of our Association VBS clinic last night at church, I enjoyed doing it but I am so glad it is over.  It is a lot of work but it gets me motivated to get ready for the actual VBS.  I found out the day before the clinic that I wouldn't be allowed to hang anything on the walls since they had just been painted so I had to improvise.  I had intended to hang the rosettes on the wall under the canopy but instead just hung them from the ceiling in front of the display.

I always have a photo booth which the kids love, one year I dressed them up like the Statue of Liberty.  This year I am using mustaches on a stick, funny glasses and headband boppers.

 This table had a few decorations.  I put the "Dare" for each day on the popcorn bags, this helps the kids to remeber and also helps me to remind them of the highpoints of the story which they get in their classroom.

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