Monday, April 7, 2014

Happy Big Day!

Happy Monday!  My kids are back in school today, I am completely exhausted from Spring Break.  We waited for Shelby to come on Thursday from her trip and then headed to St. Louis for some fun with all of them.  It was nonstop, Dalton really enjoyed going to the Science Center and seeing the dinosaurs.  They had Build a Bear stores at the Zoo and at the Science Center, even Shelby couldn't resist making a bear but she made Sadie carry it just in case some cute boy walked by.

Sorry, just realized my camera must have a smudge on the lens, it could be cotton candy, funnel cake, ketchup, ice cream, or any combination of these things.  I tried inking up a block and stamping it to make a background for this card.  I like how it turns out different every time you do it.  Off to catch up on laundry, thanks for stopping by!

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