Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Just Too Busy

To say that my life has been a bit hectic the past few days is really an understatement. My husband sees a doctor in St Louis and had a 9:00 am appointment on Monday. He can't drive that far because of a recent shoulder and back surgery but a friend volunteered to drive him, but something came up on Sunday morning and he couldn't do it so that left me. We left on Sunday after church and I had about 30 minutes notice and had to get the girls and myself packed and ready to go. I didn't do any laundry on Friday or Saturday because of Dance Recital and a cookout at a friends house which meant the pile of dirties was almost as tall as me and now it is out the door since we didn't get home until 6:00 pm yesterday. While we were there Sadie got an earache so we stopped by her pediatrician before coming home yesterday and then I had an appointment this morning in Evansville at 8:30 which meant leaving home at 6:45 so I am pooped! I will be back later today with a project and a winner of the May Stamp of the month.

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